كتاب Chest X-Rays for Medical Students: CXRs Made Easy

هذه الطبعة الثانية من الكتاب والتي صدرت بتاريخ 12th March 2020 والتي تتضمن تنقيحات مهمة وشروحًا محسّنة للأشعة السينية والأمراض الموسعة والعديد من الصور الإضافية عالية الجودة. دليل شامل لتعلم تشخيص صور الصدر.

Chest X-rays for Medical Students 2nd edition book front cover

Front cover

Chest X-rays for Medical Students 2nd edition book rear cover

Back cover


The book now follows the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) Curriculum so students should feel confident that it covers all the core material.  Everything is explained in simple terms to guide students through reviewing and reporting chest X-rays.


Annotated images from Chest X-rays for Medial Students textbook 2nd edition


This new second edition includes significant revisions, improved annotations of X-rays, expanded pathologies, and numerous additional high-quality images. A comprehensive one-stop guide to learning chest radiograph interpretation.

  • Provides a memorable ‘ABCDE’ system to systematically review X-rays as developed by the authors. Perfect for examinations, vivas and OSCEs.
  • Explains how to recognise basic radiological signs, pathology and patterns associated with common medical conditions with lots of example images.
  • Presents each radiograph twice, side-by-side: the first as seen in the clinical setting, and the second with the pathology clearly highlighted in colour. Gone are the days of trying to figure out what that small arrow is pointing to, as seen in other books!
  • Includes self-assessment tests and presentation exercises to test knowledge and presentation technique.


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